
Simple Tricks For The Perfect Selfie For Social Media Use

Social media has become an integral part of modern living. Users are always on the lookout to get as many likes, comments, followers and friends as possible. The truth is profile pictures have a way of attracting this kind of attention and so will any other photo that you upload to your profile. Everybody wants to look amazing in social media selfies yet it is not always as easy to take the perfect ones. But using a few tricks, you will manage to take beautiful pictures and upload them without much struggle. Get the right tools for the job - One of the things that determine the quality of your selfies is without doubt your phone. The more sophisticated your mobile camera is the higher the quality of photos it can take. If you are buying a new phone, then always pay attention to the camera pixels and other features. Phones that come with a selfie front camera seem to make things very easy for users because you get a preview of the photo on the screen even before you take it. Anot...

7 Quick and Easy Tips on How to Take an Awesome Selfie

In the age of Social Media everyone is posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and all the other emerging Social Networks. From celebrities like Kim K and Rihanna to everyday regular people like me… The year 2013 was the year of the selfie. And it doesn't look like selfies will be going away anytime soon as Yahoo estimates that 800 billion photos will be taken in 2014. Yup, you read that right… Billions! So how do you take an awesome selfie ? With most smart phones having the flip-the-camera-to-the-front thingy, it has become much easier but here's some awesome tips to get the best self portrait ever. Gotta Look Good If you're just rolling out of bed and still have the sleepies in your eyes and a pillow pattern indented in your forehead, it's probably not the best time to take a selfie . Make sure you look decent. Comb your hair, put on some make up and check yourself out. You can obviously always retake the picture if you see that your hair is ...

5 Quick and Easy Tips on How to Take an Awesome Selfie

With the release of Kim Kardashian's new book "Selfish" dedicated exclusively to her selfies, it's clear to see that the selfie trend is here to stay! Who wouldn't like selfies - it's like a mini photo shoot where you're the model, photographer, lighting director, makeup artist and stylist! Whether you're posting selfies to show off your amazing makeup or your outfit of the day, here are some tips that are sure to have your Instagram followers double tapping and your Facebook friends pressing the like button. 1) Make sure the light is right! Lighting is one of the most important factors when trying to take a flawless selfie. Make sure the lighting doesn't cast shadows (as this can draw attention to unwanted areas and make facial features appear larger, such as the nose) and try to avoid fluorescent lighting, as this type of lighting is universally unflattering and can make the skin look pale and lifeless. The best type of lighting to use is n...

Why Photo Booths Have Become So Popular Over the Last Couple of Years

  The success of photo booths as a novel party, wedding reception and social occasion idea has grown considerably over the last couple of years and this has led on to the success of photo booths as a business which are proving to be very lucrative. The versatility of photo booth rental means that it is ideal for many social occasions but it is also incredibly useful for many work-related events such as conferences and learning environments. The photo booth is also great as an information resource where information can be printed such as maps for certain locations at a train station. Many companies are using selfie photo studios Austin as exhibition tools which are a great way to gain exposure for your company. The photo booth has a natural capacity to draw people in and when positioned in a prominent place on an exhibition stand many customers will naturally want to have their photograph taken and document where they have been and what exhibition they have visited. This gives a c...